Thursday 17 March 2011

Vanished beauty: Pine Point, by the Goggles

Very Short List is a very cool website with excellent new (and sometimes vintage) entertainment and media that haven’t been hyped to within an inch of their lives. Each weekday, the site recommends a single gem from the vast mass of films, TV shows, books, websites, music, and more. The focus is on products that deserve attention but haven’t already been subject to giant media pile-ons. If you like neglected beauty, you will love this site.

I caught a recent post called Pine Point, which was an almost book that got converted into an interactive part on-line film, part website. It's spans the last years of a Canadian mining town named Pine Point, that vanished from site in 1987. The film is done in a scrap-book format and takes at least 20 minutes to view. To absorb the story in full, complete with very cool, retro graphics, take your time when reading so as not to miss the incredible narrative. Accompanied by a somewhat hauntingly sweet soundtrack, it's time travel back to the days of where hanging out and just being a teenager in the 70's was as good as it gets.

The concept was based on a website designed by former Pine Point resident, Richard Cloutier, and created by the Goggles, a company formed by Michael Simons and Paul Shoebridge, the award-winning creative team behind Adbusters Magazine. The film is produced by the National Film Board of Canada.

Pine Point is a video/film/website you don't want to miss, so check it out.

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