I seem to be on a magazine kick. Discovering "Birds and Blooms" was well-timed with its insanely adorable pictures of wildlife and nature-- the perfect refuge to get me out of my mid-winter slump (January in Baltimore= icky infinity).

Recently, I re-acquainted myself with another great magazine called "FOUND." It's filled with love letters, hate letters, post-it notes, pictures, shopping lists, homework and other random personal items that have been 'found' by its readers and staff. I first found "FOUND" several years ago at a hip little pub in Baltimore. Someone left it at the bar and I picked it up and was hooked after the first page. The magazine is like a private peep show that lets you spy anonymously on other people's lives. It feels a little dirty at first, but after perusing through a few more (usually) hilarious notes, you want to continue.

It reminds me of some old shopping lists I kept from my ex-boyfriend. For some reason I held onto them, and if someone were to find them, they may think it odd, although quite sweet for in the middle one of the lists he wrote "I love shopping for the Pea." Pea was my nickname, short for Sweet-pea. It was very adorable of him, and when he turned out to be a monster, I kept these lists as evidence that deep down even he had a sweet side. Maybe I'll send them in to "FOUND."

Until then, you can read about somebody else's shopping list if you like snooping on people's affects. Check it out on line at, foundmagazine.com or in cool book stores in major cities (Atomic Books if you're in Baltimore).

If anything, seeing these personal items will make you smile and remind you of your own little personal collections of memories. It surely is a neglectedly beautiful publication if ever I read one.

This one is a favorite:

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