I come from a generation of gadgets and toys that have gone by the wayside. Things like Twister, Etch-a-sketch, Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys mystery books, Hot Wheels (a personal fav) and super balls, were all staples in my little suburban treasure chest. There was also the kazoo, a weird little musical device my sisters and I would torture our parents ears with. We each got one in 1970, riding the kazoo wave with thousands of other baby boomers.

Today marks National Kazoo Day (always January 28). How did I know this? I learned it at 9:00 this morning from one of those crazy people who has the wacky aptitude for remembering (and treasuring) useless facts and information. He is none other than Baltimore's local factoid-man, the green chartreuse drinking gentle giant called Bill Billings, Marketing Director of Gaga Marketing. If you're from Baltimore and have been to Cat's Eye Pub in the last 5 years, you may have seen him. He's the tall bearded guy in tie-dye, nuzzling against an equally tall, good-looking red-head who always sparkles like a prism. Yep, they are a colorful couple and if you stop Bill, he will gladly tell you all sorts of tid-bits and trivia, never failing to add in a musical soundtrack to accompany the theme. Bill simply lives for useless info, but when he tells it, it no longer seems unimportant and he always leaves you wanting more.
His blog is filled with tons of this stuff, and it's as funny as it is interesting. Check him out and learn about the history of kazoo's out at: Bill's Gaga blog, you will thank me later.

Beautiful stuff, Bill, and thanks for the memory...for this you get a posting in Neglected Beauty. Am remembering my famous rendition of Purple Haze right now, it was fantastic. Those were the days...
You are welcome my lovely flower-spy
I must put this date on my calendar for next year. What a great way to annoy the heck out of my co-workers.
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