This is probably my last winter in Maryland, my house is on the market and I have plans to move far away where the sun is out 325 days a year, and I can't wait. That is if the snow ever stops coming. We have received more white stuff this year than any other, including the northern snowy states. We've broken every record, and according to my friend Keith, also known as the "Lord and Messenger of Inclimate Weather" --(he's lived for climate disasters since college), we are due for up to 50 inches more before the mini grape hyacinths pop. What???

It's been absolute insanity since our third blizzard last week. People are out shoveling every day with little impact-- there's no where to put all the snow; neighbors are arguing over parking spaces (one alcoholic misanthrope has taken particular glee in voicing her disdain of my shoveling job, ok ok, but I have sciatica and one adrenal gland, lady, I mean c'mon, have a another Natty...).

The snow is still pretty white by Baltimore standards, but that's not what I am fixated on. It's the glassy drips hanging off everybody's roofs. Apartments, condo's, businesses... these icicles obviously don't have any attachment issues cause any place with a roof is fair game. To look up at them is an incredible experience; it's really quite magical. And a bit scary. When those sharp tips drop, they can do some real damage to an unsuspecting cranium.

One thing is for sure, Mother Nature is trying to tell us something... and I'm paying attention. And I'm snapping pics as evidence of her disdain with the way we treat her. Luckily she provided some nice neglected beauty while pummeling us with her frosty retribution.

Enjoy the show, it's from Baltimore and Howard County, and I doubt I'll ever see anything like it again.

All Photos by Flower Spy
I have NEVER seen such icicles. This year has been absolutely amazing. Cold, but amazing.
325 days a year of sun? Um, yeah, and snow expected there on Wednesday.
fabulous.... excellent pics!
Well, of course,lovely as always, Carole. The photos are delicious to look at and it'a a nice break from the general complaining (my own included) about the lousy weather. LisaSS
Love the pics girl. Gee, I wonder who those neighbors are..."have another Natty...LOVE IT!
Wow! Those icicles are insane!
Such a beaty, but I agree, you'll be much better in a hotter weather :D
The icicles are absolutely amazing. This being your last winter and my daughter's first winter, she probably is not enjoying all of the beauty you are sharing with the rest of us. Thank you for sharing the beauty that she grumpily has not shared.
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