It's been two weeks since I got back from Santa Fe; I feel like I may be in deep withdrawal. Even though it was cold, it beat the east coast version with all our brutal snows and gray skies. It snowed out there several days, never accumulating much, and the unending blue sky always made it nicer. When the sun followed suit, I knew I was in the right place at the right time. It's why I decided to leave my life in Maryland for a while and stay there. I need their sun and inexplicable energy source. My light just shines brighter out there. Staying here I worry it may go out. No, not in a Edna St. Vincent Millay sort of way, more like a Greta Garbo one... it's easy for me to go insular here for some reason.

I went to look for homes to rent, furnished or not and found an amazing assortment of styles and spaces. Since my objective on this trip was housing, I didn't have as much time to go on neglected beauty runs. The stuff I ran into was limited botanically speaking, the southwest winter hid it under layers of snow and shade. Snow-capped mountains provided a perfect backdrop to the bleached adobe facades, and the growth stayed dormant.

My friend Giuli came with me and brought her super-pimped-out camera. Despite the winter scenery, she discovered some wonderful images and things that only an artist would understand. Many of these pictures are hers.

Thank you Giuli for your vision and your company.

Photos by the Flower Spy and Giuliana Cox
Magnificant. Thanks for sharing some of the colour and beauty of Santa Fe with us (love the rose hips)
Love the rose hips and branches. Beautiful!
LOve the rose hips and branches. Absolutely gorgeous!
Wanna go, wanna go! (A)
I love your photos (awesome) and your writing. You make me want to visit Santa Fe.
I am sorry I have neglected to pop over here. And when I did, look at the breath taking images I found. The sunset was magnificiant and I love way the shadows played on the adobe walls.
Adore the rosehips and branches against the wall iamges!!!! Nice!!!
Gena @ thinking Aloud
a photoblog
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